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Using the EveryonePrint HCP Extension for Chrome


Your administrator has installed and configured the extension for you.

Logging in

  1. Left-click on the extension button
  2. Click Login. A login dialogue window will open.
  3. Enter your username and password for PMC.
  4. Click Login.
  5. Alternatively, click Sign in with Google and enter your Google credentials.

Synchronizing printers

  1. Open extension popup
  2. Click Synchronize printers.
  3. You will see the "Successfully synced printers" message.

Submitting a print job

  1. Select a document for print.
  2. Open the Print dialogue in your Chrome browser.
  3. In Destination, click See more.
  4. Select a printer with EveryonePrint HCP Extension icon.
  5. Click Print.
JavaScript errors detected

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