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System requirements

PMC Client is available for Windows 10 or later, Windows Server 2012 or later, and macOS 11 or later.

There are different requirements for PMC Client depending on which operation mode is chosen in the installer.

1. For local storage and delivery mode:

  • PMC Client can only connect to PMC primary server
  • API service must be configured on the server
  • Workstation must be able to communicate with primary PMC server (see Ports and Protocols for port details)
  • Workstation must be able to communicate with printers for printer status and print job delivery (see Ports and Protocols for port details)

2. For gateway mode:

  • PMC Client can connect to both PMC primary and secondary gateway server. For the secondary gateway server, you must do secondary gateway mapping and create or import an SSL certificate (private certificate chain) with the correct CN corresponding to the domain mapped to the secondary server. See Secondary Gateway mapping.
  • API service must be configured on the destination PMC server or gateway
  • Workstation must be able to communicate with PMC server (see Ports and Protocols for port details)

Installation requires administrator privileges. The application itself does not require any privileges and will work under any user account.

For Citrix thin clients or Windows Terminal Services clients, user or location specific printers are not supported. Print queues created by the PMC Client on Windows thin clients are all created as shared among all sessions on the Citrix or Terminal Services host. When PMC Client detects the session is running in a Terminal Services session, it will not delete printers on custom logout.

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