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Gateway Guide

PMC uses a gateway (secondary server) on the customer site to route traffic securely between the primary server and printers. Using a local gateway, the document data itself does not have to leave the company network, increasing security, responsiveness and reducing Internet bandwidth. The gateway can be compared to a network router, and similar simple devices routing data.

The Gateway is simply installed on a prepared hardware or software appliance using the PMC installer.
This Gateway Guide contains all information needed to have a fully working gateway, including hardware recommendations, appliance preparations and installation guidelines.

After the installation, perform Secondary Gateway mapping.

Different Gateway options

The gateway can be installed on a hardware appliance, a software appliance or on existing server infrastructure. You can also choose to use only the PMC Client as a Gateway.

  • Software Appliance — The virtual software appliance is a pre-configured virtual machine image, ready to run on a hypervisor such as VMWare ESX, Xen or Hyper-V or similar Infrastructure-as-a-Service solutions.
  • Existing Server Infrastructure The gateway can run in a virtual environment on existing server infrastructure.
In preparation of the installation, the following pre-requisites have to be verified:
- No Firewall is blocking outbound communication on defined TCP ports to the Primary server in the Cloud. See the Ports and Protocols section Server to Server.
- No Proxy server filtering outbound communication to the Primary server in the Cloud. The gateway needs a direct connection to the Primary server as it creates a secure channel (TLS 1.2) that a proxy cannot handle
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